प्रदेश सरकार

भुमि व्यवस्था ,कृषि तथा सहकारी मन्त्रालय

कृषि विकास निर्देशनालय

कृषि ज्ञान केन्द्र बाँके

प्रदेश नं. ५, बाँके ,नेपाल

हाम्रो बारेमा

Agriculture in Nepal has long been based on subsistence farming, particularly in the hilly regions where peasants derive their living from fragmented plots of land cultivated in difficult conditions. Government programs to introduce irrigation facilities and fertilizers have proved inadequate, their delivery hampered by the mountainous terrain. Population increases and environmental degradation have ensured that the minimal gains in agricultural production, owing more to the extension of arable land than to improvements in farming practices, have been cancelled out. Once an exporter of rice, Nepal now has a food deficit.